21.02.2013 11:29 Alter: 12 yrs
Kategorie: Digitalsheets - EN only

New scores are added to our digital offer. Titles like Kung Fu Fighting, Karl May film melodies, Bert Kaempfert melodies, and Edgar Wallace and Jerry Cotton film music are now available at Roba Digital Sheets.

Hamburg, 21st  February 2013: ROBA Digital Sheets is excited to present its latest increase in the digital score catalogue. By signing SMV Schacht Musikverlage from Hamburg we have won another long-standing and successful music publisher as a partner.

SMV Schacht Musikverlage joins the Roba Digital Sheets distribution model which is success- and growth-orientated. Titles like Carl Douglas’ "Kung Fu Fighting", Martin Böttcher’s "Karl May film melodies", Bert Kaempfert’s “Danke Schoen”, “A Swingin’ Safari” and “Afrikaan Beat” or Peter Thomas’ “Edgar Wallace” and “Jerry Cotton” film music can now be purchased amongst many others at online-shops of German booksellers or at international stores like Amazon.

The scores of SMV Schacht Musikverlage are integrated into a comprehensive marketing concept. An essential component of this concept is the integration of the digital sheets in search machine suppliers like Google. Furthermore the essential part of the marketing concept is to launch previews and direct links to the shops.  

The distribution model of Roba Digital Sheets can offer the best possible presentation and availability of scores in the global network. Roba Digital Sheets is a large music publisher and content aggregator which specializes in the distribution of scores.

More information and registration opportunities are available on: www.digitalsheets.com.