26.05.2011 13:13 Age: 14 yrs
Category: Digitalsheets - EN only
By: Martin Beinicke

Filmkunst Musikverlag distributes its sheet music online with ROBA .

Hamburg / München, 26.Mai 2011:

ROBA Digital Sheets is excited to present the new increase in the digital score catalogue. With the Munich Filmkunst-Musikverlag we have won another long-standing and successful music publisher as a partner.

The Filmkunst-Musikverlag joins the Roba Digital Sheets distribution model which is success and growth oriented. German children-titles like Pippi Langstrumpf, Biene Maja and Alice im Wunderland can now be purchase at the online-shops of the german booksellers or by international stores like Amazon.

The scores of the Filmkunst-Musikverlag are integrated into a comprehensive marketing concept. An essential component of the concept is the integration of the digital sheets in search machine suppliers like Google. Furthermore the essential part of the marketing concept is such functions as preview and direct links to the shops.

The disribution model of Roba Digital Sheets can offer the best possible presentation and availability of cores in the global network. Roba Digital Sheets being a large music publisher and Content-Aggregator specializes on the distribution of scores.